Ocean Side of Lincoln Boulevard
Fisherman's Village
Quaint, visitor oriented dining, entertainment, and
shopping village directly on the main channel of Marina del Rey.
Waterside Shopping Center
Local oriented shopping center with a Ralph's Market,
a Bank of Smerica, a U.S. Post Office, a UPS shopping
and PO Box center, a Carlton's Hair Salon, two spas,
and several boutique shops, cafes, and restaurants.
Located on the inland side of Admiralty Way at
the corner of Admiralty, Mindinao, and Fiji Way.
Inland Side of Lincoln Boulevard
Villa Marina Marketplace
Located on the inland side of Lincoln Boulevard
and bounded by Glencoe Avenue, Maxella Avenue,
Mindanao Way, the 90 Freeway. The center has two
sections that are divided by Maxella Avenue.
Marina Collection
This new shopping district on the inland side
of Lincoln Bouevard is bounded by Washington
Boulevard, Maxella Avenue, Redwood Avenue,
and Del Rey Avenue. Glencoe Avenue runs
right through the center of the district.
Note that this district is not contained in
a single area, it is more of a neighborhood
of shops.