Articles and information for visitors to the regions of California
closest to the Pacific Ocean. Includes towns and cities on the coast,
California's Pacific Ocean beaches, and islands off the Pacific coast
of California.
California's Pacific Ocean
Pacific Coast of California
Information about counties, cities, and towns on California's
Pacific Ocean Coast. Also includes introductions to the
north coast, central coast, and southern coast of California,
wine regions on California's Pacific coast, and Pacific Ocean
Coast Guard bases in California.
Beaches on California's Pacific Coast
Where to find Pacific ocean beaches ion California.
Includes state beaches, county beach parks, city beach parks,
and other sandy and rocky beaches on the coast of California.
Islands Off California's Pacific Coast
Includes Catalina Island, Channel Isalands State Park, and other
islands off the north, central, and south coasts of California.
About the Pacific Ocean
Wikipedia Introduction to the Pacific Ocean
Article with facts and information about all parts of the Pacific Ocean.
Includes the ocean's size, history, geography, border countries and
territories, land masses, islands, water characteristics, climate,
geology, seamount chains, fishing, environmental issues, and major
ports and harbors.
Bodies of Water in California
Visitor Attractions in California
Destinations in California